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4mo ago

The prefix "bio-" means life or living organism. It is often used in words related to Biology, such as biography (life story) or biology (study of living organisms).

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What does pre fix mean?

pre means before so a prefix is a stem before the word

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not. for example "incapable: not capable." "inaccuracy: not accurate".

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1/1000. example: There are 1000 millimeters in a meter

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The Pre-Fix for Death was created on 2004-09-21.

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denoting one tenth; 10-1 decimetre Symbol d

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Pre-Fix, Pre-cook, PRE-BAKE,

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The letters added before a word to change its meaning are called?

a PRE-fix. PRE meaning before. a SUF-fix comes after.

What is a pre-fix?

A prefix is a group of letters attached to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning. It can change the word's tense, form, or create a new word altogether. For example, "un-" in "unhappy" changes the word "happy" to mean not happy.