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It means something or someone that feels out of place, like they don't belong, or like others don't think they belong.

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Q: What does the metaphor like a fish out of water mean?
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What does like a fish to water mean?

It means it is something you can do well and are really good at. It should mean you are natural at doing something, just like water is a natural habitat for a fish.

What does the metaphor a stranger has a cup of water mean?

The metaphor a stranger has a cup of water means that a given stranger has something of great importance.

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If something is literally water-tight it means that no water can pass through it. The metaphor means that the security is so good that nothing can get through it.

What does it mean when a fish chases another fish?

it mean the fish that was bumped into is going to died unless you pour cooking oil in the tank and lick up the water like a little doggy

What does methophore mean?

I believe you mean "metaphor." A metaphor is a comparison between two unlike things without using the words "like" or "as." It is much like a similie. A similie, however, uses the words "like" or "as." An example of a metaphor would be, "Her words were needles piercing me."

What does it mean if salt water aquarium fish have freckle like spots on them?

You should ask this question in the 'salt water' section.

What is a salt water crocodiles behavior?

Well, they eat stuff like fish and they are mean and like to play banana gram

What does simile and metaphors mean?

Metaphor- comparing two things without using like or as. Simile- comparing two things using like or as.

What is a water animal with a very soft body shaped like a parachute?

I guess you mean a Jelly Fish

Can you give me the answer of metaphor?

A Metaphor is a word you use its like say if I said: "The Moon IS cheese!" It doesn't mean it IS. its just a way of describing it. But if you but it is LIKE something then its called a simile.

What do salty water fish eat?

dont you mean saltwater fish?

What does Swimming in a pool with dirty water and fish mean?

it means your swimming in a pool with dirty water and fish.....get out!