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Well to all the people who are interested:

These are hematological parameters that indicate an underlying anemic condition.

The normal RBC is spherical and biconcave with a diameter of 6-8 micrometer. any variation in size is termed as anisocytosis and in shape is termed as poilikocytosis. These variations are seen in anemic conditions like iron or folate or Vitamin B12 deficiency or others.

Earlier when blood samples were analyzed manually under microscope the terms aniso and poikilocytosis were used, when such variations were observed, but with the advent of computerized automated blood analysis methods newer terms like RDW, RDW-SD, RDW-CV have come into place, these terms also indicate unusual variations in the size and shape of RBC which are highly indicative of a possible Anemic conditions.

RDW stands for Red Cell Distribution Width

RDW- SD stands for Standard Deviation in RDW

RDW-CV stands for Coefficient Variation of RDW

These are technical terms used in computer interpretation of the given blood samples

If your reports show abnormal values do consult your physician .

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Q: What does the rdw- sd and rdw-cv mean?
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What does the medical abbreviation RDWCV mean?

Red cell distribution width (RDW) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) to help determine the causes of anemia.

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What is rdw-cv and rdw-sd?

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What does Low RDW-sd mean in a hematology test mean?

Means that the variation in the size of your red blood cell is very small. That it! Inother words, no problem!RDW refers to the variation in size if your red blood cells.A low RDW means that the cells are all roughly the same size.A high RDW means there isa high variation in the sizes of the cells and usually means a deficiency of iron and/or B12.

What does an abnormal result in RDW-sd blood test means?

low in B12 or iron

What does a abnormal result in RDW-sd blood test means?

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What does the rdw sd and low mch mean?

RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) reflects the variation in size of red blood cells. High RDW could indicate different types of anemia or vitamin deficiencies. SD (Standard Deviation) is a measure of variability in a set of values, in this case, red blood cell distribution. Low MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin) means there is less hemoglobin in each red blood cell, which could suggest anemia or iron deficiency.

What does rdw mean in math?

There is no specific meaning to rdw in mathematics.

What does a rdw of 11.1 mean?

what does it mean when your RDW is 11.3? I know normal is 11.5-14.5. But how much ashould I be concerned?