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Waldo Mayer

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Q: What does the reduction potential chart tell you about the two elements?
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What does reduction potential tell about the stability of an element?

Reduction potential indicates an element's tendency to gain electrons and undergo reduction. Elements with higher reduction potentials are more likely to be reduced and are considered more stable in their reduced form, while elements with lower reduction potentials are less stable and more likely to be oxidize or lose electrons.

Do elements in a group have different charges?

All the elements in the periodic table of elements are electrically neutral; they do not have charges as elements, although they have the potential to engage in chemical reactions that will turn them into charged ions, in most cases. The different groups tell you what kinds of chemical reactions the elements are capable of, not what kind of charge they have.

How can tell if an element has been oxidized or reduced in a reaction?

Oxidation involve loss of electrons and reduction involve gain of electrons.

How can you tell the elements have similar properties by using a periodic table?

Elements with similar properties are found in the same group or column on the periodic table. This is because they have the same number of valence electrons, which influences their chemical behavior. Elements in the same group tend to react in similar ways and have comparable physical properties.

What four things does a periodic table tell us?

A periodic table organizes elements based on their atomic number, showing the elements' atomic structure, symbol, and name. It also provides information on the elements' properties, such as their reactivity, metallic properties, and atomic mass. Additionally, the periodic table allows us to identify trends, such as periodicity, in the elements' chemical behavior based on their position.

Related questions

What does the reduction potential chart tell about two elements?

Type your answer here... Which is more likely to be reduced

What does reduction potential tell about the stability of an element?

Reduction potential indicates an element's tendency to gain electrons and undergo reduction. Elements with higher reduction potentials are more likely to be reduced and are considered more stable in their reduced form, while elements with lower reduction potentials are less stable and more likely to be oxidize or lose electrons.

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Chart? There is no chart. Your question makes no sense.

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Chart? There is no chart. Your question makes no sense.

Does a sparkline include all the chart titles and axes labels like a regular chart?

No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.No it doesn't. It is only a very small chart, fitting in a cell beside another cell. With the limited size it is not practical to put any other elements into it. Normally its location, being close to the values it is using, will tell you what it relates to.

Do elements in a group have different charges?

All the elements in the periodic table of elements are electrically neutral; they do not have charges as elements, although they have the potential to engage in chemical reactions that will turn them into charged ions, in most cases. The different groups tell you what kinds of chemical reactions the elements are capable of, not what kind of charge they have.

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the danger of frostbite

How do you create a chart using window 2003?

The easiest way to create a chart is to enter some data into a spreadsheet such as Excel and tell it to generate a chart.

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What part of a pie chart tell what the chart represents?

The title. And, like maps, pie charts typically have a legend that describes the chart.

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tell me more about antartica

How can you tell what elements exist on planet?

94 natural elements and 14 artificial elements