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the sound can be a high note or it can be a low

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Q: What does the string family sound?
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What family does piano go into brass string percussion or woodwind?

string because it uses string to make the piano make sound

What group does the electric bass belong to?

The electric bass is in the string family. The qualification for being in the string family is the ability to produce sound through the vibration of strings.

What family is the double bass in?

It is the lowest member of the String Family.

Is a viola in the string family?

Yes, it is. The viola is slightly larger than a violin and has a slightly deeper sound.

Can sound pass through a string?

Yes, sound can pass through a string. When a string is plucked or strummed, it creates vibrations that travel through the string and create sound waves in the surrounding air. The sound waves produced by the vibrating string can then be heard by our ears.

How does the hammer make a low sound?

When the hammer inside a piano hits the string, it creates a sound. The pitch of the sound depends on how thick or long the string is. The thicker the string, the lower the sound.

How does a guitar string's physical change produce sound?

The sound is produced by the vibration of the string.

Where does the String Family Originate from?

the string family originated from ireland.

How does the lenght of a string affect the sound it makes when plucked?

A longer string will have a greater distance between peaks of the waves of the vibration, so a sound will be lower on the sound wave scale.

What family is the string bass in?

it is cause the string bass has 4 strings so it belongs to the string family lol :D

Which will make a depper sound a thin string or a thick string?

thick string

Which family dose a violin come from?

The violin is the smallest member of the string family.