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it means there are 2 molecules of O (oxygen) in the compound CO2

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12y ago
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10y ago

Carbon dioxide, with the formula CO2, is a colorless and odorless gas produced by burning carbon or respiration. The 2 in CO2 represents the number of oxygen atoms present in the compound.

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3mo ago

The subscript 2 in the chemical formula CO2 indicates that there are two oxygen atoms for each carbon atom in the molecule. The formula CO2 represents carbon dioxide, which is a common gas present in the Earth's atmosphere.

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15y ago

The 2 is a coefficient indicating that there are two atoms of oxygen in one molecule of carbon dioxide.

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10y ago

1 carbon 2 oxygen atoms

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Q: What does the subscript 2 mean in the chemical formula CO2?
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What does the subscription indicate in the chemical formula co2?

The 2 indicates that there are 2 oxygen atoms.

How do you get the 2 in CO2 to get smaller?

The subscript "2" in CO2 represents the number of oxygen atoms in each molecule of carbon dioxide. The size of the subscript cannot be changed without altering the chemical formula and the fundamental structure of the compound.

How do you write CO2 correctly?

To write carbon dioxide correctly, use the chemical formula CO2. This represents one carbon atom bonded with two oxygen atoms.

In the chemical formula CO2 t6he subscript 2 shows which of the following..?

The subscript 2 in CO2 indicates that there are two oxygen atoms present in the carbon dioxide molecule. This number tells us the ratio of atoms in the compound.

What is the total number of oxygen atoms in 5CO2?

10: The total number is the product of the coefficient in front of the chemical formula and the subscript immediately following the symbol of the element asked about. If there is no subscript, a subscript of 1 is inferred.

In the formula CO2 the subscript letter tells you the of the substance at room temperature?

The subscript letter in the formula CO2 indicates the number of oxygen atoms in each molecule of carbon dioxide, specifically two oxygen atoms.

What is the name of this compound CO 2?

CO2 is the chemical formula of carbon dioxide.

What is the Formula for the compound oxygen and carbon?

if you mean carbon dioxied, the formula is: CO2 If you mean carbon monoxied, the formula is: CO If you mean Carbon Dioxide, the formula is: CO2 If you mean Carbon Monoxide, the formula is: CO [Corrections for spelling only]

What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide?

The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is CO2. It consists of one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms.

What is the difference between adding a subscript 2 to the end of the formula for co to give co2 and adding a coefficient in front of the formula to give 2co?

Adding a subscript "2" to the end of a chemical formula indicates the presence of two atoms of that element in the compound. Meanwhile, adding a coefficient in front of a formula, like "2CO," indicates that there are two molecules of that compound present. This means there are two separate molecules of CO, not a new compound of CO2.

What is the chemistry sign for carbon dioxide?

The chemical formula (rather than 'sign') is CO2 for carbon dioxide.

What is carbon dioxide's chemical symbol?

Formula: CO2