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When a metal combines with a non-metal (or by extension, any element or radical of low electronegativity combines with any element or radical of high electronegativity) then the non-metal takes the suffix -ide, indicating that it has been the recipient of one or more electrons in the bonding process, to which the metal has donated one or more electrons.

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12y ago

In chemistry, the suffix "ide" meas it is a negative ion. Ex: Chlorine becomes Chloride when it gains an electron.

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Q: What does the suffix IDE mean?
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Ide mean in chemistry?

-ide is a suffix in English chemical niomenclature, for example for salts.

When is the suffix ide used?

The suffix "ide" is used for monatomic anion names.

What is the suffix of binary compounds?

Binary compounds generally end i with the suffix -ide.

What is the chemical name for water ending with IDE?

-ide is for example a suffix for salts.

The -ide ending usually tells us that the compound is what?

An -ide suffix is used for nonmetals.

What is a suffix with fluor or chlor?

A suffix with "fluor" is "-fluoride" and a suffix with "chlor" is "-chloride". These suffixes are commonly used in naming chemical compounds, to indicate the presence of the respective elements fluorine and chlorine.

Did Ionic compounds end in what suffix?


Why does sodium chloride end in -ide?

Inorganic salts have the suffix -ide in the English language. This suffix is the translation of the French -ure, derived from the Latin -ura.

The names of the compounds fes nacl naoh and pb3n2 all end in what suffix?

The common suffix -ide usually indicates a compound that's made up of two elements, such as sodium chloride (NaCl). The suffix -ide may also be used in the name of a compound that's made up of one element and one radical, such as lead cyanide Pb(CN)2. A. ide.

Do metals have the prefix ide added when they are in a compound?

Generally non-metals receive the suffix -ide in a compound.

When naming the compound containing lithium and chlorine change the suffix of the anion's name to what?


When naming the compound containing lithium and chlorine change the suffix of the anion's name to blank?

"ide" as in Lithium Chloride.