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SPF is the abbreviated version for Sun Protection Factor. It basically gives one a time frame that one can be out in the sun for without burning. So if a sunscreen states that it has an SPF of 15 then one would have about 150 minutes of protection. Normally the higher the SPF the greater length of protection.

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Q: What does the sun cream acronym SPF refer to?
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Should SPF be capitalized?

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and should be capitalized when used as an abbreviation or acronym in formal writing.

Why is there such a wide range of SPF?

There are number of cosmetics products for removing suntan . SPF is the sun protecting factor more the SPF value more effective is the cream. Generally sun protecting factor value ranges from 20 to 30.

Does the Primordiale Skin Cream aslo work as a sun block?

It does have SPF in it so it will work as a sun block as well.

What does SPF represent?

SPF or sun protection factor is the measure of the amount of time taken by the sun light or more specifically the ultra violet rays to cause irradiation to the skin which is commonly known as sun burn on the protected skin. For example, if for your normal skin the time taken for irradiation is 30 minutes and after applying the cream the duration is 300 minutes, then the sun protection factor for that particular product is 300 divided by 30, that is SPF 10. Normally the time taken for irradiation by normal skin ranges from 20 to 30 minutes and so you can easily find how much SPF you need in your day cream by calculating the number of minutes you are exposed to the sun. With increased value of SPF, the number of minutes of protection increases. The SPF requirement increases with increasing time of exposure to the sun.

What does the spf stand for?

spf stands for sun protection factor

What spf number do doctors recommend when exposing yourself to the sun?

An SPF of about 30

True or False a sun cream with an SPF of 15 protects you from harmful UV rays for 15 minutes?

Yes, it is true. It blocks the UV rays.

If you slather yourself with SPF this summer you may know that it stands for sun protection what?

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor.

Is SPF 50 better then SPF 30?

From the Journal of The National Cancer Institute: According to Weinstock, the cap on SPF labeling is not a major issue for the public as a whole. "I think that if the general public uses SPF 30 or greater, that's sufficient." As Weinstock explained, SPF is a reciprocal function: SPF 15 lets in 1/15 of the burning rays; SPF 30 lets in 1/30; and SPF 50 lets in 1/50. Therefore, the difference between SPF 30 and SPF 50 is only a difference of 97% effectiveness versus 98% effectiveness. "That little bit may be important to some people who have particular sensitivity," said Weinstock. "But, to the general public, it really is not that critical." Remember that SPF30+ sun cream will block out 97% of the sun's rays. SPF50+ will block out 98%. There is NO bearing on the DURATION you can put the sun screen on and expect protection. The issue is that people generally don't put on enough, so they're only getting around 50% protection because of their own vanity. The more you put on, the closer you get to the full coverage offered by the cream. If you use an SPF30+ cream you'll only get a little less protection than the 50, but you need to use enough. The SPF isn't the issue, it's the usage.

What SPF number do doctors or pharmacists recommend you use when exposing yourself to the sun?

SPF 20

Does the SPF count?

"The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) displayed on the sunscreen label ranges from 2 to as high as 50 and refers to the product's ability to screen or block out the sun's harmful rays. For example, if you use a sunscreen with an SPF 15, you can be in the sun 15 times longer that you can without sunscreen before burning. Consumers need to be aware that SPF protection does not increase proportionally with an increased SPF number. While an SPF of 2 will absorb 50% of ultraviolet radiation, an SPF of 15 absorbs 93% and an SPF of 34 absorbs 97%." from

Does a higher spf number mean more protection?

Yes, the higher the SPF, the more sun protection you will get.