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Nearly all of the energy that reaches Earth's surface comes from the sun.

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1mo ago

The Sun plays a central role in Earth's energy budget by providing the primary source of energy that drives Earth's climate system. Solar radiation warms the Earth's surface, which in turn radiates heat back into the atmosphere. This energy exchange helps regulate the planet's temperature and fuels processes like photosynthesis and the water cycle.

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Q: What does the sun have to do with earth's energy budget?
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What Is the meaning and significance of earths energy budget to life on earth?

The Earth's energy budget refers to the balance between the amount of energy coming into Earth from the sun and the amount of energy being emitted back into space. This balance is crucial for maintaining Earth's climate, weather patterns, and overall habitability for life. Understanding and monitoring the Earth's energy budget helps scientists assess the impact of human activities on the planet's energy balance and climate system.

How is the energy balance or energy budget in relation to the sun and earth?

The energy balance between the sun and Earth is maintained through a process called the Earth's energy budget, where energy from the sun is absorbed by the Earth's surface and then re-radiated back into space as heat. This balance is crucial for regulating Earth's climate and temperature. Any imbalance in this energy budget can lead to climate changes and global warming.

What is earths primary source of light energy?

The Sun is Earth's primary source of light energy. The Sun emits electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, which provides energy for photosynthesis and powers many processes on Earth.

Is geothermal energy affected by the sun?

Geothermal energy is not directly impacted by the sun, as it is derived from the heat within the Earth's crust. However, the sun's energy can indirectly influence geothermal systems by affecting surface temperatures and contributing to the Earth's overall heat budget.

Is wind earth's main source of energy?

No, the Earth's main source of energy is the sun. Wind energy is generated as a result of the sun heating the Earth's atmosphere, which creates temperature differences and causes air movement, ultimately leading to wind.

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solar energy absorbed by the sun

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light and heat

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the sun and the moon



What Is the meaning and significance of earths energy budget to life on earth?

The Earth's energy budget refers to the balance between the amount of energy coming into Earth from the sun and the amount of energy being emitted back into space. This balance is crucial for maintaining Earth's climate, weather patterns, and overall habitability for life. Understanding and monitoring the Earth's energy budget helps scientists assess the impact of human activities on the planet's energy balance and climate system.

Which is the major source of energy for most earths processes?

the sun

Where does energy earths most come from?

Directly or indirectly from the sun

Earths weather and earth circulation are powered by energy from?

the sun