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it is just the band's logo, which is a Celtic Knot of the letter B. other than that i don't think it has any significant meaning.

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Q: What does the symbol on we are not alone by breaking Benjamin mean?
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What does the symbol mean on the saturate CD?

quite simply that symbol is the symbol for breaking Benjamin, so it means breaking Benjamin

What does the symbol mean on the saturate CD by breaking Benjamin?

It's the breaking Benjamin symbol it's just something they put on there CD covers Hope I helped ~Seth Never~

What does Breaking Benjamin's Celtic symbol mean?

The Celtic knotwork is four interlocking B's.

What does Breaking Benjamin mean?

He was playing a gig in Pa when he dropped and broke the borrowed mic he was using. The owner of the mic hollers across the room "Thanks Ben for breaking my F&%^$*@ mic!!" Thus, Breaking Benjamin was born.

Where is Breaking Benjamin?

I think all the member live in Wilkes-barre, PA, if thats what you mean.

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I believe you mean zodiac sign and in that case, he's a Capricorn

What is the meaning of breath by breaking Benjamin?

Benjamin Burnley has never stated what most of his songs mean. I believe that it's about a girl that loves him but he doesn't love her. Ultimately the answer lies in your own interpretation.

Which Breaking Benjamin song opens with a scream?

Lots of them! However, you likely mean "I Will Not Bow". Benjamin Burnley opens with screaming the word "fall".

What does it mean if she does not talk to other about breaking up?

She doesn't want to share her personal space. She wants to be alone. She knows she is responsible.

What kind of band would Breaking Benjamin be by looking at their lyrics?

A secular band. Although they may have christian influenced lyrics, it doesnt mean the entire song is christian based.

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When did breaking Benjamin become christen? spelled it wrong, for one. all the members of the band ARE christian but that doesn't mean that the band necessarily has to be christian too. They are not labeled as a christian rock band.