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It's the flag of South Carolina.

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Q: What does the tree with the crescent moon together mean?
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What is the symbol that has a crescent moon and a palm tree?

The flag of South Carolina has a crescent moon and a palm tree.

What brand of shirt has the palmetto tree and crescent moon as their logo?

It is not a brand. The Palmetto Tree and Crescent Moon is the symbol on the SC state flag. It has become a common symbol on all sorts of clothing, window decals, etc. The SC people are showing their pride.

What is the meaning of bumper sticker with palm tree and crescent moon?

It's from the state flag of South Carolina.

What does a palm tree represent?

the crescent moon and palm tree seen on stickers and SC's licence plate is Order of the Eastern Star symbolism. Never herd of them? Google it!

What is the money tree for on harvest moon?

If by money tree you mean a tree the produces money, there isn't one sorry

What does Artemis' symbol look like?

Artemis the goddess has many symbols. They are a she-bear, her silver bow and arrow, a crescent moon, a stag, a cypress tree, and a falcon.

What were the symbols for Diana the Greek goddess?

Selene: a moon or crescent moon Artemis: deer, bears, a cypress tree, dogs, birds, crescent moon, and a bow and arrow Hecate: paired torches, keys, and dogs Persephone: a torch

What are Artemis the Greek goddess' signs?

Her main symbols are the bow and arrows as the goddess of hunt. She is often represented with a moon crescent in her hair or above her head. Some of her other symbols are a stag, hounds, wolfs, bears, and falcons/hawks.

What was the Goddess of the Hunt's emblem?

The goddess of the Hunt was Artemis (In Rome, it was Diana). She was also the goddess of the moon, childbirth, animals, virginity, and the Wild. Her symbols were a silver bow, silver arrows, a crescent moon, a bear, a stag, a falcon, and a cypress tree.

Did Artemis have a special symbol?

Artemis' symbols are stags, bears, falcons, the crescent moon, the cypress tree, and her silver bow and arrows. Her bow and arrows are probably her most special symbols.

What does the man in the moon with the symbol of heaven mean?

In China, the man in the moon is called Wu Kang (Gekkawo in Japan) , the god of love and marriage, who unites lovers by tying their feet together with invisible cords. Wu Kang also cuts branches from the Cassia tree of immortality, which grows in the moon.

Is the redwood tree the biggest type of tree in the US?

Yes it is, and they are in Crescent City C.A. USA