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Q: What does the water inside the jar represent?
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What would happen if you poured boiling water into a jar?

Glass is a great conductor of heat but it doesn't hold it long. If you were to stick 212o (Fahrenheit) water into a glass jar it would begin bringing the glass jar to the same temperature as the water on the inside very quickly (equilibrium). It also begins building pressure, so If a lid is on the jar it could potentially explode the jar sending boiling liquid and glass shards everywhere.

How does mechanical mixture compare and contrast with solutions?

well if u mix mechanical WATER with solutions than in the middle of the night it will soon be yellow this is because we havent added any water inside the jar but if u add water into the jar than your water will turn purple

Why does water in a closed glass jar become warmer than water in closed earthen jar at the same dimension?

Provided the earthenware pot is UNGLAZED, the water inside the pot will seep through the pot making it damp on the outside. The dampness on the outside then evaporates and cools the pot and the water in it. (Lick your finger then blow on it gently and you will find your finger feels cold). However, a glass bottle is impervious to water, so the outside remains dry and there is no evaporation and the water in the bottle does not cool.

How do you make fog without dry ice or a fog machine?

To make fog without dry ice and a fog machines, first fill a jar with hot water and then pour most of it out into a bowl. Place a strainer over the jar and then add ice to the strainer. The fog should begin to form inside the jar due to condensation.

How do you Divide 10 ltr of water equally between 10ltr and 7ltr jar using 10 7 and 3 ltr jars?

You can do it in 9 steps. That is one of the possible solutions. Others may have a faster solution. Columns A, B, and C represent the amount of water in the 10L, 7L, and 3L jars, respectively. A B C -- -- -- 10 0 0 <-- starting point 3 7 0 <-- fill up the 7-L jar 3 4 3 <-- fill up the 3-L jar from the 7-L jar 6 4 0 <-- pour the content in the 3-L jar into the 10-L jar 6 1 3 <-- fill up the 3-L jar from the 7-L jar 9 1 0 <-- pour the content in the 3-L jar into the 10-L jar 9 0 1 <-- pour the content in the 7-L jar into the 3-L jar 2 7 1 <-- fill up the 7-L jar 2 5 3 <-- fill up the 3-L jar 5 5 0 <-- pour the content in the 3-L jar into the 10-L jar ============================

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Do water form outside a hot water jar?

no it forms on the inside

Can water evaporate in a sealed jar?

If the jar is not completely full of water, and the air inside is not completely saturated, then yes, a little bit can.

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Burning produces carbon dioxide and water; water cools when it reaches the walls and becomes dew.

When you put a jar over a candle the inside of the jar becomes misty why is this?

because all the smoke that is being let off by the flame is trapped inside the jar causing it to go misty which will eventually turn into water vapour/ condensation. hope this helps :)

How much water does a pinto bean need to grow?

you dont water it that much. you put damp toilet paper in a jar and then the beans go on the inside sides of the jar so that you can see it grow, :D

What are the symbols in the manunggul jar?

The symbols in the Manunggul Jar represent Filipino beliefs in the afterlife. The boat symbolizes the journey to the afterlife, the two figures inside represent the deceased and a deity or guardian, and the puso (heart) symbolizes the soul. These symbols illustrate the importance of ancestral veneration and spiritual beliefs in Filipino culture.

If the total mass of a jar of pickles is 250g and the jar has a mass of 78g what is the mass of the pickles and juice inside the jar?

The mass of the pickles and juice inside the jar is 172g (250g - 78g).

What effect will a lid screwed on tightly have on a boiling point of water?

It will create a vacuum inside which reduces the time for water to boil and will utimately lead to bursting of the Jar due to pressure inside.

What is a water jar?

a water jar is a woven basket used to collect water

What would happen if you poured boiling water into a jar?

Glass is a great conductor of heat but it doesn't hold it long. If you were to stick 212o (Fahrenheit) water into a glass jar it would begin bringing the glass jar to the same temperature as the water on the inside very quickly (equilibrium). It also begins building pressure, so If a lid is on the jar it could potentially explode the jar sending boiling liquid and glass shards everywhere.

How does mechanical mixture compare and contrast with solutions?

well if u mix mechanical WATER with solutions than in the middle of the night it will soon be yellow this is because we havent added any water inside the jar but if u add water into the jar than your water will turn purple