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Probably what they wanted to say is something like "Do not put your hand into the boiling water."

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Q: What does this means do not your hand in the boiling water?
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What is the boiling point of water glucose?

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius. Glucose, on the other hand, does not have a fixed boiling point because it decomposes before reaching a boiling point.

What causes your hand to be hot when you touch a spoon that is in boiling water?

Sensory nerves.

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evaporation. Boiling occurs when water reaches its boiling point temperature, causing rapid vaporization throughout the liquid. Evaporation, on the other hand, is the slow vaporization of water at temperatures below its boiling point, occurring at the surface of the liquid.

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They are the same. When cold water heats up and bubbles that means it is boiling.

Would there be a difference in the boiling point temperature of water between a cup of water and a bathtub of water?

No. Boiling point is an intensive physical property, which means it does not matter how large the sample is.

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boiling point of ice is also just like water means 100 degree Celsius

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2 examples of convection currents in everyday life?

Water boiling and ice melting in the palm of your hand.

What does it mean to seep a tea bag?

if it is seep, it is for it to run through the tea bag or leaves(if using a strainer). On the other hand, if its steep, that means to have the tea bag sit in the boiling water for a few minutes!

Why does the boiling point of water change when salt is added?

By adding salt it means that you are adding an impurity into the water. Impurities can lower the boiling point, while increasing its melting point.

Why is the boiling point of water lower in the mountains then it is at sea level?

The boiling point is lower because the air is thinner, and there is less pressure acting on the water. This means that you have to add less energy to counteract the forces holding the water in liquid form.

Why boiling point of milk is greater than water?

The boiling point of milk is higher than water because milk is a mixture of water, fats, proteins, and sugars. These additional components in milk raise its boiling point compared to pure water. Additionally, milk has a higher specific heat capacity than water, which means it takes more energy to raise its temperature to the boiling point.