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Where there is love there is faith.

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Q: What does ubi amor ibi fides - mean?
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What is ubi caritas et amor ubi caritas deus in English?

The usual wording is Ubi Caritas et amor, Deus ibi est which means where charity and love are, God is there

Where would you find a church?

Everywhere. * * * * * Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.

Who said 'Ubi materia ibi geometria'?

the correct is: "Ubi materia, ibi geometria" and Johannes Kepler said it

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"Math is the only place where truth and beauty mean the same thing."

What is the Latin translation for Love Is Sacrifice?

Amor est gladius. A bit odd, considering the two things are both nouns. Regardless, they match in gender, number, and case. The 'est' translates as 'is', and in latin articles such as 'the' or 'a' are implied.

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Ubi spes ibi cura.

What is the motto of District University of Bogotá?

District University of Bogotá's motto is 'Ubi Veritas Ibi Libertas'.

What is meant by Ubi jus ibi remedium?

Where law prevails, there is a remedy. see Al Maloney

What does ubi mean in Latin?

Ubi means where? - as in "in what place?"; for example "where is my money?".

What does Ubi familia ibi amor?

Difficult to translate this precisely.It is almost Where your family is, that is where your love will be.But familia isn't exactly family, it is closer to household.If you left home three years ago, and moved in with your sister, her husband, and their three kids; then those five people are your familia.So The guys you live with are the ones you love (or Home is where the heart is).

What does the latin word ubi mean in English?

It means "where." For example, "ubi tua mater?" "Where is your mother?"

What is the english transition for ubi caritas et amor deus ibiest?

Translation from Latin: Where charity and love are, God is there.