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Q: What does van derstoop mean?
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Where is Vincent van goth from?

If you mean Vincent van GOGH, he was Dutch.

What collages has Vincent van goth done?

Do you mean van Gogh? He made no collages.

Who is the artist van alstyne?

Do you mean Vanessa van Alstyne?Click link below!

What is the German spelling of van?

There are different meanings of "van". It can mean a delivery truck which is "geschlossene Lieferwagen" or "Transporter" It can mean the prefix for a surname which is "von".

Wheels wiggle and van rocks what could this mean?

Wheels wiggle and van rocks can mean a few things. They could also be nothing to them.

When did van goth become an artist?

If you mean Vincent van GOGH, he became an artist in 1881 at the age of 28.If you mean the American photographer van Goth, he is still active and does not tell us when he started.

Does Van also mean angel?

I believe the word "Van" is Danish and means "of". As in Someone"of" Somewhere.

What does van in front of dutch name mean?

'van' means 'from' and it means the same in a last name.

What dost van van mean?

'van' usually denotes that a person come from that family. Example: Aaron van Horne. Aaron came from the van Horne family. In Germany, they have the same idea, except with 'von' instead of 'van'.

In which city did van gouk do a lot of his paintings?

Van Gouk?? Do you mean van Gogh? He worked in many places, importantly in Paris and Arles.

Is mrs Van dan mean?

She can be nice sometimes, but she is mean most of the time!!

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