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Visible distinguishing marks refer to unique physical characteristics on a person's body, such as scars, birthmarks, tattoos, or piercings, that help to easily identify or differentiate them from others. These marks can be used for identification purposes in various situations, such as criminal investigations or medical treatment.

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Q: What does visible distinguishing marks mean?
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In most people, there are certain marks on their bodies that appear at the time of birth, which can last a very long time. A few examples are moles, scars, birthmarks, squints, harelip, etc. Some people also acquire certain marks after birth (like scars from a deep surgical operation or accident). If these marks are on parts of a body that are easy to see, such as on the face, hands, head, etc., then these marks help to identify a person in case of doubt, if the photograph is not clear or has become old. These marks are called visible distinguishing marks. Unless one has a perfectly clear skin or has no other bodily deformity that is easily identifiable, these marks are valuable tools as secondary tools to identify a person.

What would a model agent say to a girl with stretch marks would they be instantly refused or can they still model?

It depends on where the marks are and what type of modeling you mean. Having stretch marks is not an automatic disqualification. Having stretch marks that will be visible when modeling might be.

How unknown persons dead body can be identified?

Fingerprints, dental records, tattoos or other distinguishing marks.

What is the Italian 'segni particolari' in English?

"Distinguishing marks" is an English equivalent of "segni particolari."Specifically, the masculine noun "segni" means "marks, signs." The masculine/feminine adjective "particolari" means "distinguishing, particular, special." The pronunciation is "SEH-nyee PAHR-tee-koh-LAH-ree."

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What distinguishes the military uniforms of the British Guards regiments?

British Guards traditionally have similar uniforms but also have distinguishing marks. These marks, similar to the United States' military, show rank and position.

What does distinguished mean from dictionary meanings?

Not set apart from others by visible marks; to make distinctive or discernible by exhibiting differences; to mark off by some characteristic.

What does formatting marks mean?

Formatting marks are non-printing characters, such as spaces, tabs, and paragraph marks, used to layout and format text in documents. They are not displayed when printing or viewing the document but are visible in the document editing mode to help users understand the structure of the content.

Does a female raccoon have a different color or stripe to tell the difference from a male raccoon?

There are no distinguishing marks or colours.