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A dust mote to condense around.

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Q: What does water vapor needs to turn into droplets?
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Evaporation occurs when the liquid (dewy) appearance of the water droplets turn into a vapor and disappear.

During which process does water vapor in air turn into water droplets as the air cools?


When people turn on their shower faucets which is most likely to increase in the air around them?

Water droplets and water vapor. Also negative ions.

What is required for condensation of water vapor to turn into fog or cloud droplets?

Very low temperature,which is present at the toppest level of clouds

When warm water vapor is cooled by colder air is it turn into tiny water droplets?

yes, it condenses. thats why it rains. clouds become too heavy and water droplets (rain) fall. if the air is cold as it falls it can become snow or hail.

Does water vapor change to liquid water?

when water vapor turns to liquid water, it needs to condensate, when its temperature goes below 100 degrees, which is water's boiling point, for it to turn into liquid.

If Water is heavier than air so why do clouds stay up in the sky?

Because all the droplets haven't come together yet so it isn't as heavy as water yet. Water vapor (a gas) rises up until it gets cool enough to turn to droplets. These droplets are clouds in all their amazing forms.

Why does the outside of a glass of iced tea some times get moist?

The cold glass cools the air surrounding the glass. This in turn condenses water vapor in the air such that little water droplets form around the surface of the glass. These droplets are what you recognize as being moist :)

Water held in the atmosphere in the form of gas is called?

Water in the form of gas is called water vapor :3. Steam is a visible form of water vapor and can be considered a gas or mist.

How does water vapor turn into water?


How does water vapor form clouds?

When the air cools, its molecules come closer together. Thus, molecules of water vapor in the air come closer together, too. Then, the molecules of water vapor condense (or turn from gas to liquid state) on tiny solid particles in the atmosphere. The tiny droplets of water result from condensation form the clouds that we see in the sky.

What will happen if you leave boiling water ice and tap water for a day in separate cups?

The boiling water will evaporate (turn to vapor). The ice will melt (turn to liquid) and then begin to evaporate (turn to vapor). The tap water will begin to evaporate (turn to vapor).