

What does wax smell like?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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A bit like cleaning stuff. Just smell it to find out!

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Q: What does wax smell like?
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How does fire smell like?

It depends on what is on fire. If I were to be lighting a candle, I would smell burning wax. If paper were on fire, I'd smell burning paper. The scent of fire is really hard to explain. Maybe it smells like charcoal.

Why does ear wax smell?

probably a fungal infection

Why do tic tacs smell of vanilla?

Well, beacuse the wax coat that is used to make the Tic-Tac look shiny has the smell of either a marshmellow smell or vannila So when you taste the first ten seconds of a Tis-Tac it is sweet than after you lick all the wax coating away it will just taste like a standard mint. Hope this Helped :)

Is it true that most stores like Publix and wal-mart have tomatoes with petroleum based wax on them?

Yes this is true. I have read research papers from the USGT that explain that they put the wax on them to preserve the favor and smell of the dirty Mexicans who picked them.

Why would your vw beetle smell like melted crayons?

Under coating wax that's under your car. It is common to Jettas, Beetles, and Golfs, mostly TDI's but others as well. When your exhaust heats up it causes it to smell.

I read somewhere that the smell you smell when you open a pack of crayons is beef fat. Do crayons ACTUALLY have beef fat in them?

No, they're made with parafin wax.

How are candles made to smell?

A candle is made up of paraffin wax, stearic acid and a wick. If we take 10 spoons of wax we should put one spoon of stearic acid and insert a suitable wick according to the size of the candle.

Why would you smell burning after an exhaust has been replaced?

Its just the wax they have on them to stop them from rusting while in storage

Why do Christmas trees smell like pine?

because Christmas trees are pine, unless they're artificial!

What does a crayon taste like?

They taste a little funny

Why is there a metallic earthy smell coming from my toilet area?

The toilet wax ring is probably cracked and leaking.You have to drain and remove the toilet to replace the wax ring below it.Hope this helps!