

What does xenon smell like?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What does xenon smell like?
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What is the smell of Xenon?

Xenon is an odourless gas.

Are there any metals like xenon?

um. xenon isn't a metal. and xenon means "strange", so no.

What element is xenon similar to?

I'm guessing that xenon is similar to krypton it is used for bright lights just like xenon

Does xenon have a texture?

Xenon, a gas at room temperature, does not have a texture. It feels like air.

Is xenon radioactive?

None of the isotopes of xenon ordinarily found in nature is radioactive. Like all elements, xenon has synthetic radioactive isotopes.

What does xenon look like in its normal state?

Xenon is not visible so in gaseous form,it is odorless and colorless.

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What does the element xenon look like?

it is colorless

Do you have to have internet on the lg xenon?

No, the LG Xenon is a messaging device only and does not require a data plan like a smartphone.

What is xenon at room temperature?

Xenon is an inert gas. Like all the inert gases, it is a gas at room temperature.

What is an advertising slogan for the element Xenon?

Xenon will light up your world! It's the brightest on the periodic table... Xenon... it's a phoenomnal.

Is the xenon worth buying?

The LG Xenon is worth buying if you like it a lot, and you text a lot. The Xenon was mainly meant for texting, which its sliding keyboard capability. However, if you are not an avid texter, or do not text moderately, the LG Xenon is not worth buying.