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Q: What dynasty replaced the shang and claimed a mandate of heaven?
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How can you use mandate of heaven in a sentence?

The Zhou claimed they had the right to start a new dynasty because of the Mandate of Heaven.

How did the Zhou Dynasty overthrow the Shang Dynasty by using the Mandate of Heaven?

it was a war so they must have been experienced

What dynasty introduced the mandate of heaven?

Type your answer here... Zhou

UNDER WHICh empire did the mandate of heaven begin?

The Mandate of Heaven started when the Shang dynasty fell apart and the Chou dynasty took over.

Why did the Zhou dynasty develop the concept of the Mandate of Heaven?

because the mandate of heaven chose the leaders and kings

What country had a dynasty based on the mandate of heaven?


What was the sign that the dynasty lost the mandate in heaven?

A dynasty has lost it's mandate of heaven if it repeatedly experiences earthquakes, floods, famine, and other disasters. If the emperor is unable to prevent these from happening, he has lost the mandate of heaven.

What was the sign that a dynasty had lost mandate of heaven?

A dynasty has lost it's mandate of heaven if it repeatedly experiences earthquakes, floods, famine, and other disasters. If the emperor is unable to prevent these from happening, he has lost the mandate of heaven.

Which dynasty claimed to rule china under the mandate of heaven?

basically all of them. The Mandate of Heaven was a religious order that didn't die with the change in dynasties, much like how Christianity didn't die with the fall of the Roman Empire or Holy Roman Empire.

Explain the role of the Mandate of Heaven within dynastic rule?

The Mandate of Heaven took popularity or personality out of dynastic rule. The dynasty endured as a Mandate from heaven regardless of the weakness of the rulers.

The Zhou dynasty claimed it ruled china because?

During the Zhou dynasty, China was in a feudal state, meaning that they shared governments under warlords. These warlords governed their own lands, but they still owed military service and other rightful services to the rightful ruler of China.

How did Shang Dynasty use the mandate of heaven to explain is removal of the Shang Dynasty?

they didnt