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Massive, I suggest you try to stop it

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Q: What effect can a tornado have on property?
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How do tornados effect us?

Tornadoes can effect us because they can destroy our property. If you know a tornado is in the area, you need to take proper precautions.

Who does a tornado harm?

A tornado harms anyone who is or has property in the the path.

How do tornado effect people?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy homes, businesses, crops and other property and kill or injure pets, livestock, and people.

How can a tornado cause damage to property?

by their windspeed

How does a funnel cloud effect humans?

A sighting of a funnel cloud can prompt a tornado warning. If the funnel cloud reaches the ground it becomes a tornado, and can be very destructive to human property and pose a threat to the lives and well-being of the people in its path.

In a tornado what is most likely to happen?

The most likely outcome of a tornado is damage to property and vegetation.

What is a beneficial effect of a tornado?

there are no benefits to any disaster like a tornado or earthquake or floods.

What effect does a tornado pattern have on land and people in it's path?

People die in tornado's and when a tornado is on land it changes colour.

How can a tornado endanger property and people?

The winds of a tornado can severely damage or destroy property. Flying debris, collapsing buildings, and falling trees can cause injury or death.

Why is a tornado bad for the economy?

Tornadoes destroy property and money must be used to restore property.

About how fast does a tornado cause damage to property?

It depends. A tornado can cause property damage in a matter of seconds, but in a large, slow moving tornado, structures can be exposed to damging winds for several minutes. A very violent tornado can completely obliterate a well built house in under 3 seconds.

How does tornado effect?

A tornado effects the world, in many ways. Firstly, it can effect people, the environment, animals etc. Since a tornado is a really dangerous type of storm with all different kinds of harmful bacteria.