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Industrialization led to a burst in population for European countries (primarily Western).

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Q: What effect did industrialization have on population of Europe?
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Industrialization had a significant effect on cities, including an increase in population. More people moved from rural areas to the cities to find work. Also, there was an increase in pollution because of outputs from the factories.

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One effect industrialization had in Europe was the creation of a middle class.

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What are the the THREE most significant effects of industrialization on the US economy from 1877-1900?

The most significant effect of the industrialization on the US Economy from 1877-1900 is the mass movement of population to the large cities and away from rural areas. You will find significant population increases in the northern industrial cites. A second effect would be a significant shift in wealth. Before Industrialization, a majority of the most wealthy Americans were people who owned large farms. As a result of industrialization, you have people like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and many other captains of Industry make their huge fortunes. A 3rd effect is that Industrialization made the United States a player on the World Scene. The US became a World Power because of the industrialization thus leading to the Spanish American War, the building of the Panama Canal, and eventually WW1.

Changes in estearn europes economy?

Eastern Europe did not industrialize the same time as Western Europe did. This is because they were opposed to industrialization as well as the West tried to prevent the spread of industrialization. Eastern Europe has been going through massive industrialization for the past couple of decades, however, which is why the economy of Eastern Europe has been changing dramatically.

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The mountainous topography in both Inca and Chinese civilizations made it difficult to establish large-scale industrialization due to challenges in transportation and communication. Instead, these civilizations focused on other forms of development such as agriculture, trade, and artisanship within their more limited geographical constraints.