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What effect did radiation have on the general appearance of the seedlings

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Q: What effect did radiation have on the general appearance of the seedlings?
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The Sun is the primary source of radiation for both the Earth's atmosphere and the greenhouse effect. Solar radiation enters the atmosphere, warms the Earth's surface, and is re-radiated as infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some of this infrared radiation, leading to the greenhouse effect.

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Radiation can excite an electron sufficiently for the electron to leave the atom, thus having an ionizing effect.

What is the effect from a radiation?

the radiation can cause the brain damage so it is really hamful.

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What is the environmental and health effect of radiation?

being exposed to radiation could cause cancer.

What type of radiation is trapped on the earths surface by the green house effect?

Infrared radiation

What type of radiation is trapped on earth's surface by green house effect?

Infrared radiation