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Q: What effect did the development of mechanized farming have on amereican society?
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What effect did the development mechanized farming have on American society?

More people moved from farming areas to cities

What makes a society modern?

â??Modernâ?? refers to those practices that relate to the industrial mode of production or the development of large-scale often colonial societies. A modern society is characterized by production for profit and growth complex division of labor, individualized and mechanized, and competitive (over-) consumerism.

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When did farming arrive in Britain?

Farming arrived in Britain around 4000 BC during the Neolithic period. This marked the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture. The introduction of farming practices brought significant changes to society and ultimately laid the foundation for the development of civilization in the region.

What is the difference between an agrarian society and a industrial society?

An agrarian society relies primarily on agriculture as the main economic activity, while an industrial society is characterized by a shift towards manufacturing and mechanized production. Agrarian societies are typically more rural and based on manual labor, while industrial societies are more urbanized and utilize machinery for production.

How did the development of farming impact civilization?

The development of farming allowed societies to transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled communities, paving the way for the rise of civilizations. Farming provided a stable food supply, leading to population growth, specialization of labor, and technological advancements. It also allowed for the establishment of social structures, economic systems, and permanent settlements, shaping the foundations of modern society.

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Why was the switch from hunting and gathering to farming important enough to be called the farming revoulution?

The switch from hunting and gathering to farming, known as the Agricultural Revolution, was significant because it marked a fundamental shift in human society. Farming allowed for a more settled way of life, leading to the development of permanent settlements, specialization of labor, and the rise of complex civilizations. It also enabled population growth and the development of new technologies, setting the stage for further advancements in human history.

Why did the south fall behind in north terms of progress?

Southern society was traditional and based on farming

When was Deccan Development Society created?

Deccan Development Society was created in 1983.

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Why is farming an important adyance ment?

farming is important because it provides food and jobs in a society