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If taken orally, the drug will just dilate your pupils very much. If taken through the nostril in a crushed form, it may cause your eyes to water, redden, and will dilate them even more because the ecstasy hits the bloodstream near your eyes quicker this way.

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13y ago
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15y ago

It dialates them, so be carefull.. because the first thing they notice is the dialted eye.

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13y ago

LSD typically causes mydriasis, that is, abnormally dilated pupils.

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10y ago

Quite the opposite - the noradrenaline release that is caused by MDMA use *dilates* the user's pupils.

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Is there a drug that repeatedly makes your pupils change from small to large?

From personal experience, psilocybin mushrooms (shrooms) and LSD (acid). On ecstasy or after smoking pot, my pupils may become dilated, but will stay that way for a while, not repeatedly change.

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Psilocybin mushrooms

What drug class does psilocybin fall under?

It is a class A drug/Schedule I. If you mean class as in what kind of drug is psilocybin (the psychoactive in magic mushrooms) it's a psychedelic tryptamine indole.

What drug category psilocybin mushrooms listed as?

Psilocybin-containing mushrooms are psychedelic hallucinogens of the tryptamine class.

A drug that cause hallunications?

LSD. Psilocybin mushrooms. Mescalin.

What happens when you stop taking psilocybin?

Psilocybin is neither physically nor psychological addictive and does not show up in any drug tests.

What at home drug tests test for Psilocybin or Psilocin mushrooms?

none lol

Are shrooms a depressant hallucinogen or stimulant?

Psilocybin is mostly a stimulant but it can also act as a depressant. It stimulates parts of the brain, producing its hallucinogenic effects. Psilocybin also stimulates stretch reflex (resist relaxing muscles), increases heart rate in many cases, and dilates pupils, but it is inconsistent. For example, lower blood pressure is a depressive effect which is common, but it is also common (to a lesser degree) to experience higher blood pressure.

What drug does psilocybin show as on urine test?

no not @ all take all the shroom u want

Can mushrooms be detected by urine drug screens?

No, they haven't studied the metabolites of psilocybin or psilocin enough to make a drug test or a field test for them.

What is latest update in chemistry?

The psychedelic drug psilocybin, the active principal of magic mushrooms, was once thought to have promising medical applications. When psilocybin was banned, medical research on the drug ceased. But now, 40 years later, psilocybin is back on the research radar where it is helping to shed light on human consciousness and a range of disease processes, as Philip Strange finds out...

What does shrooms show up as on a drug test?

Magic mushrooms will show up as psilocin and psilocybin on a drug test. These compounds are the primary active components of magic mushrooms. However, psilocin and psilocybin are not typically tested for.