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A loss of comparative advantage.......

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2y ago
This is wrong the correct answer is Growing internal trade and rising standards of living.

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Q: What effect does increasing economic interdependence have on the countries of the worl?
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What effect increasing economic independence have on the countries of the world?

Globalization leads to interdependence among nations because it brings some nations money and others are brought into poverty. Globalization is good and bad for any nation.

What effect increasing economics interdependence have on the countries of the world?

Growing international trade and rising standards of living

How can fiscal policy be used to stimulate Australia's economic activity?

fiscal policy can be used to stimulate economic activity by increasing spending. this is done by reducing taxes and increasing government spending to increase supply and demand which has a flow on effect for individual spending.

What has been an effect of the AIDS pandemic?

There has been a decline in economic productivity in countries affected by AIDS.

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What was one effect of the economic downturns of the late 1800?

Businesses began selling their goods to other countries.

Global economic interdependence and the effect of trade practices and agreements?

The economies of the world are all dependent on one another, because of these trade practices and agreements they've outlined. The trade agreements keep each country of the world accountable for their own economies and for the peaceful exchange of goods and services across the world. It is this exchange and interdependence that keeps the global economy afloat and working.

What has been the lasting effect of religious missionaries in Africa?

There has been a decline in economic productivity in countries affected by AIDS.

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It makes trading with other countries much more harder.

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Which of the following was not an economic effect of colonization? Global economic development

What is the trade feedback effect?

The Trade Feedback Effect trade feedback effect The tendency for an increase in the economic activity of one country to lead to a worldwide increase in economic activity, which then feeds back to that country. An increase in U.S. imports increases other countries' exports, which stimulates those countries' economies and increases their imports, which increases U.S. exports, which stimulates the U.S. economy and increases its imports, and so on. This is the trade feedback effect. In other words, an increase in U.S. economic activity leads to a worldwide increase in economic activity, which then ―feeds back to the usa

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The growth of the service industry has been one of the results in the West of increased global economic competition. A car mechanic and a waitress are two examples of service industry jobs.