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Alcohol has been proven to danger the brain as well as other organs. Marijuana has been proven to benefit the brain. The rumor that marijuana hurts brain cells comes from an experiment done in the 70's where they nearly suffocated 3 monkeys with marijuana smoke. Lack of oxygen killed some of their brain cells, not the marijuana itself.

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Alcohol harms the brain where as weed doesnt

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Q: What effects your brain more alcohol or marijuana?
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Does alcohol kill more brain cells than marijuana?

Both alcohol and marijuana can have negative effects on brain cells. Chronic alcohol use has been shown to result in the death of brain cells, while research on marijuana's impact on brain cells is ongoing. Both substances should be used in moderation to minimize potential harm.

Is marijuana or alcohol more addicting?

alcohol is way more addictive

How is alcohol and marijuana bad for you?

Alcoholic use effects the body in many ways. If used before age 21, it can cause certain brain abnormalities, and brain damage. Eventually, certain adverse consequences would begin, including, but not limited to: - Alcoholism (Addiction to Alcohol) - Liver disease - Cirrhosis - Sexual dysfunction - Heart disease - Increased risk of cancer - Increased risk of CNS Damage (Central Nervous System) with sustained use. These are only some of the physical effects that sustained, longterm alcohol abuse/addiction. There are more physical and psychiatric effects that longterm alcohol abuse/addiction could cause, including, but not limited to: - Anxiety - Depression - Psychosis There is no scientific evidence suggesting that there are any major longterm effects to be experienced with longterm marijuana use to date.

What is there to be afraid of when smoking marijuana?

short term memory loss, causes breathing problems, effects you brain and body system, more tar in marijuana than tobbaco, increased chances in having cancer, and its illegal, and lots more

Why does alcohol kill more than marijuana?

Alcohol causes you to become disoriented. Marijuana makes you sleepy. If you drive while on alcohol you cant control the car or your speed. Marijuana can make you drive slower.

Marijuana is better than what?

Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

12 How is an individual's level of impairment affected when marijuana is used in combination with alcohol?

Commonly referred to as being "Cross-faded," an individual will become much more impaired when one combines alcohol with marijuana. The effects are different for every individual, especially due to the fact that there will be different effects on the human brain depending on the amount, duration, tolerance, medium, and type of each of the substances that is consumed. For example, a girl weighing 110 lbs who drank a few beers and ate a THC brownie made with marijuana will have a different experience from a 200 lb man who has had 13 tequilla shots while smoking a blunt rolled with marijuana of the Indica variety. Without spending an hour going into complete depth on the effects of the combination of alcohol with THC and CBD, so I will keep it short. It is almost impossible to measure the level of how impaired a person will get, however when combined, Alcohol and Marijuana will make a person much more impaired than if they were using only one.

Describe the effects that alcohol has on the body?

Alcohol has stimulating, depressing and mood altering functions that leave practically no circuit or system of the brain untouched. This range of effects is what sets alcohol apart from many other drugs. It acts as a stimulant when it directly stimulates those brain cells, which lead to feelings of pleasure and euphoria. It is a depressant when it slows the brain down and reduces tensions and worries. It can affect your judgment and make us things you would not usually do when sober. Alcohol acts as an anaesthetic when it shows down your reflexes and your coordinates. It can put you to sleep , it can induce a coma and it can kill. Alcohol's effects are dose related -the more alcohol you drink, the greater the effects that may occur.

Which is worse alcohol or marijuana?

alcohol tends to have a higher addiction rate and can be more harmful to the body

Is marijuana or alcohol more damaging to the overall body?

Alcohol by far as it does damage to your body and causes addiction.

Which is the worst drug Alcohol or Marijuana?

Based on science and medicine, Alcohol would be a more harmful drug. There has never been any reporting of deaths due to marijuana overdose. There have been numerous reports of Alcohol (ethanol) overdoses. Marijuana has never proven its self an addictive substance as where Alcohol addiction is the most common addiction treated. Finally, Marijuana tends to make people more docile as where Alcohol tends to make people agitated and belligerent.

What does marijuana do to the brain over time?

Long-term marijuana use can affect the brain in various ways, including memory and cognitive impairments, changes in brain structure and function, and potential addiction or dependence. It can also impact motivation, decision-making, and overall mental health. It's important to note that individual responses to marijuana can vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its long-term effects on the brain.