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Q: What element behaves MOST like magnesium?
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Which element would have properties most like Ca calcium?

Mg (magnesium)

Does the earth's inner core behave like a thick liquid?

No. It behaves like a solid.

What elements are most common on the Earth's surface?

The most common elements on Earth's surface are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, and iron. Oxygen is the most abundant element, predominantly present in the form of minerals like silicates and oxides. Silicon and aluminum are abundant in minerals like quartz and feldspar, while iron is found in minerals like hematite and magnetite.

What elements does magnesium like to bond to?

Magnesium can bond with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. Magnesium can also bond with chloride and that will create magnesium dichloride.

Can magnesium help with muscle cramps?

Magnesium deficiency is definitely a cause of menstrual cramps. Any kind of cramp can be an indication of magnesium deficiency, because without sufficient magnesium, muscles cannot relax. If you are magnesium deficient, this fact can be painfully obvious during that time of the month. If you have bad menstrual cramps, it would be a good idea to start taking a well-absorbed magnesium supplement. The most absorption come from chelated forms of magnesium, like magnesium malate or glycinate, although the malate form is easier on the stomach and can be found in a sustained release formula as well. Sustained release magnesium is more absorbable and doesn't cause diarrhea like most magnesium supplements will when taken at therapuetic doses...but that's what you need to replenish a deficiency.

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Which element has chemical properties most like ca?

Mg (magnesium)

Which element would have properties most like Ca?

Mg (magnesium)

Which element would have properties most like Ca calcium?

Mg (magnesium)

Which element would have properties most like Ca(calcium)?

Mg (magnesium)

What element would have properties most like ca?


Which element would you expect to behave the most like carbon (C)?

Silicon (Si) would be expected to behave most like carbon (C) due to its position below carbon in the same group on the periodic table. This means they have similar chemical properties and can form similar types of bonds.

What element is most like magnesium in its chemical bonding properties?

Calcium is the element most similar to magnesium in its chemical bonding properties. Both magnesium and calcium belong to the same group in the periodic table (Group 2) and have similar reactivity and tendency to form ionic compounds with other elements.

What element behaves like an alkali metal but isn't and has 1 electron?


What substances are in magnesium?

Magnesium consists of magnesium atoms, which are metallic elements found in group 2 (or 2A) of the periodic table. It is a naturally occurring element and is commonly found in minerals like dolomite and magnesite.

Is magnesium fluoride a mixture?

No, magnesium is an element and therefore a pure substance.

Which element has only 1 electron and behaves like a alkali metal?

The element Hydrogen (H) has only 1 electron. When it loses it, it becomes the Ion H+.

What is ma2 in the periodic table?

There is no element with the symbol ma2 on the periodic table.ma2 is a formula for a di atomic element like oxygen-O2 and Hydrogen-H2.The element with a similar symbol like ma is Magnesium-Mg