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Q: What element can be used as an antidote for arsenic poisoning?
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What element is used in rat poisoning?

A common element used in rat poison is Arsenic, although there are other components such as zinc phosphide, bromethalin, and cholecalciferon. None of the last three, however, are single elements.

Element used as rat poison?


What element is used as rat poison?


Which element is used as rat poisoning?

A rather long time ago, arsenic was used as a rodenticide. However, the dangers presented by this practice caused it's reversal. Modern rodenticides are typically compounds that work as anticoagulants.

Is arsenic used in Medicines?

from what i read in the encyclopedia yes arsenic is used in some medicines, but i think you combine it with another element!

Which poisonous element is used in medicines and rat poison?


What was arsenic used for in the 1600s?

- alloying element for bronze - poison used by murderers

What is Tacca Chantrieri used for?

Tacca chantrieri is used by local healers to relieve pains of the body and stomach, and as an antidote for food poisoning

Which element is used as poison and is found in the title of a murder mystery?

carbon is used in rat poison and is the title of a murder mystery

What is the antidote for lead poisoning?

There is no element that serves as an arsenic antagonist. The treatment of choice for acute arsenic poisoning is BAL (2,3-dimercaptopropanol). although other complex compounds may also be used. BAL seems to slow or reduce arsenic transition across the blood-brain barrier. For chronic arsenic poisoning, the picture becomes much more complex, as long term arsenic toxicity creates a myriad of sympoms and related disorders, including some forms of cancer. Generally, in this case, the symptoms are treated and occassionally the root cause may not even be detected. Again, BAL and it's similar compounds make be used to chelate the arsenic and convert it into a water-soluble form which may be washed out of the body. See the links to follow for details.

Which element is used as rat and is found in the title of the murder mystery?
