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There are several elements that explode in water. The most commonly known ones are a particular group of metals. They are listed in ascending order of explosiveness. Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubidium (Rb), Caesium (Cs) and Francium (Fr). The last of these;Francium, is so uncommon in nature that there is only an estimated 30g in the entire of the earth's crust.

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14y ago
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12y ago

According to our friends at WIKI pedia these are the metals that react to water this way:

  • lithium (Li),
  • sodium (Na),
  • potassium (K),
  • rubidium (Rb),
  • caesium (Cs),
  • francium (Fr)
  • Oxygen (O)
  • uranium (U)
  • rutherforduim (Fh)
  • osioum (Os)
  • carbon (C)
  • hydrogen (H)
  • helium (Ha)
  • radon (R)
  • Hydrogen2 + Oxygen (H2O)
  • fire
  • earth
  • air
  • water
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1w ago

Sodium is an element that can explode when added to water, as it reacts violently with water to produce hydrogen gas and heat.

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15y ago reacts with water and reacts explosively. :P

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11y ago

Alkali metals such as sodium, potassium

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10y ago


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Q: What element explodes when added to water?
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Potassium is an element that forms an alkali solution when added to water. It reacts vigorously with water to produce potassium hydroxide, which is a strong base.

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When a hydrogen bomb explodes, different elements may be formed through nuclear reactions, such as helium, lithium, tritium, and various isotopes of heavy elements like uranium and plutonium. These elements are created through the fusion and fission processes that occur during the explosion.

What element explodes with its interaction with oxygen?

Sodium is an element that can explode when it reacts with oxygen. The reaction between sodium and oxygen releases a large amount of heat and produces sodium oxide. This can result in an explosion if not controlled properly.

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sodium, combined with chlorine, it makes salt, but in pure form, it explodes in water

What element is added to toothpaste and city water?

Sodium fluoride.

What element is added into toothpaste and city water systems to help tooth decay?

Flourine is the element.It is added as flouride ions.

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When added to water, hydrogen (H+) ions produce acid. When hydrogen gas dissolves in water, it forms hydronium ions (H3O+), which lower the pH of the solution and make it acidic.

What element is added to toothpaste and city water systems to help decay?
