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Magnesium. The complete electron configuration is: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 The complete electron arrangement is: 2e, 8e, 2e

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Magnesium (Mg) has 2 electrons in its outer shell and 12 electrons in total.

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9y ago

Magnesium is a metal element. Atomic number of it is12.

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Q: What element has 2 electrons in its outer shell and 12 in total?
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The element with 6 electrons in the outer shell and 8 electrons total is oxygen (O). Oxygen has 2 electrons in the first shell and 6 in the second shell, making a total of 8 electrons.

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it is related to the number of electrons that are in in the outer shell, and the total number of electrons

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A neutral neon atom has 8 electrons in its outer shell. Neon has a total of 10 electrons, with 2 in the inner shell and 8 in the outer shell.

How many electrons does Magnesium have in its outer most shell?

Magnesium has a total of 12 electrons. The electron configuration would be 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. Therefore, 2 electrons in it's outer shell.

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An element with 86 electrons is reactive because it is not a noble gas and does not have a full outer electron shell. Elements tend to react to achieve a stable electron configuration, such as by gaining or losing electrons to achieve a full outer shell.

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The total number of electrons in the outer shell of uranium is 2 electrons. Uranium has an atomic number of 92, which means it has 92 electrons. The electron configuration for uranium is [Rn] 5f3 6d1 7s2, so the electrons in the outermost shell are the 7s2 electrons.

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There are 8 electrons in the outer shell of an argon atom. Argon has 18 electrons in total, with 2 electrons in the first shell, 8 in the second shell, and the remaining 8 in the outer shell.

What Is the number of outer shell electrons on Argon?

The number of valence electrons is dependent on which group of the periodic table the element is in.Since Argon is in group 8, it has a total of 8valence electrons.

How many electrons are in the outer shell of aluminium?

Aluminium has 3 electrons in its outer shell, which is the third shell from the nucleus.

How many shell in oxygen atom?

Two. An inner shell contains 2 electrons; and an outer shell contains 2 electrons on its near side and 4 more electrons on its outer side. Total of 8 electrons.

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There are six electrons in the outer valence shell of a sulfur atom. Sulfur is in group 16 of the periodic table, so it has six valence electrons.

How many valence electrons are needed to achieve a full outer shell?

In general, atoms need 8 valence electrons to achieve a full outer shell (except for hydrogen and helium, which need only 2). This is known as the octet rule. Atoms can achieve a full outer shell by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons through bonding.