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Calcium has 2 valence electrons and 4 electron shells. It is represented by the chemical symbol Ca.

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Q: What element has 2 valence electrons and 4 energey levels?
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The period that the element's in is the same number of how many valence electrons (energy level of outer electrons) there are in the element...

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Valence electrons

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how many electrons it has---how many valence electrons and how many levels of electrons. its Atomic Mass its atomic number

How many valence electrons are on the first 3 energy levels?

The first energy level has a maximum of two valence electrons. The second and third energy levels have a maximum of 8 valence electrons.

Electrons are those found in the outermost energy level of an atom?

Electrons are those found in the outermost energy level of an atom?They are called valence electrons.

Which sub levels contain valence electrons in the atom of argon?

Argon does not contain valence electrons.