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Q: What element has 6 valence electrons?
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Which element in the oxygen family have 6 valence electrons?

all of them

The number of valence electrons for 1s22s22p4 is?

The electronic configuration tells that the element is Oxygen and has 6 electrons in valence shell because there are 6 electrons in the 2nd energy level.

How many valence electrons should an element to react with a element with 7 valence electrons?

one valence electron

Element 3 lithium has one valence electron and element 4 beryllium has two valence electrons Element 5 boron has how many valence electrons?

Boron has 3 valence electrons.Boron has 3 valence electrons.

What do Valence Electrons determine?

The Group Number of the Element you're working on determines the number of Valence Electrons. Valence electrons are electrons in the outside energy level.

What is the element in period 3 with 6 valence electrons?

Selenium. As you go across the groups, not counting the transition metals, a valence electron is added.

What is the expected number of valence electrons for a group 3 A element?

The expected number of valence electrons for a group 3 A element is 5 number of valence electrons.

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How many electrons are in group16 of the periodic table?

there are 6 valence electrons in each element in group 16

How many valence electrons in selenium?

6 valence electrons

What is the number of shared pairs of electrons in C6H14?

30 valence electrons. Valence electrons are on the outer shell of a atom. To find valence electrons, subtract the amount of electrons the noble gas has before the element from the number of electrons the element actually has. Since the noble gas before carbon is Helium, you subtract 2 electrons from 6 electrons which gives you 4 valence electrons. Since there are 6 carbon atoms, multiply 4 by 6 to get 24. Do the same to the hydrogen atoms and add the valence electrons of the two molecules together and you should get 30 total valence electrons.

What are Valence elcetrons?

Valence electrons are the electrons on the outermost energy shell of an element.