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"Its Boron you Moron"- Mr. D

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Q: What element has an atomic radius of 97 pm?
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How do the atoms of elements 19 and 35 compare in size?

Element 19, potassium: atomic radius = 227 pm. Element 35, bromine: atomic radius = 120 pm.

What is smaller than the atomic radius of beryllium?

Generally, any element with a lower atomic number.

Which element has an atomic radius of 152 nm?

First, the value of the atomic radius is not fixed, but depends on the definition you're using. Second, no element has an atomic radius as large as 152 nm. All atomic radii are about 1000 times smaller than that. Finally, assuming that you meant to say 152 pm, lithium has a metallic radus of 152 pm, oxygen has a van der Waals radius of 152 pm, and cobalt has a calculated atomic radius of 152 pm.

What is the atomic radius of platinum?

Platinum is a metal element. Atomic mass of it is 195.08.

What has an atomic radius of 099?

It is a difference between the empirical and the calculated atomic radius of an element; also all the values are only approximates. The empirical atomic radius of sulphur, phosphorous and chlorine is 100 pm. The calculated atomic radius of phosphorous is 98 pm.

What is yardstick of atoms?

The atomic radius is approx. 150 pm and is different for each element.

What is the viscosity of Astatine?

According to Webelements, the estimated density of astatine is 6400 kg/m3.

How does it's atomic radius compare to that of krypton?

The element krypton's atomic radius is 189 pm. This is a measurement of its atom sizes or the distance between the electron cloud and the nucleus.

What metal had the atomic radius of 238 pm?

Samarium has a calculated atomic radius of 238 pm.

Which element has the largest atomic radius?

Atoms of the element cesium (also caesium), symbol Cs, element number 55.

Si has a larger atomic radius than C?

Yes Atomic radius of carbon: 60 pm Atomic radius of silicon: 110 pm

What is the atomic radius of protactinium?

The atomic radius of protactinium is 180 pm.