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Ag (silver) is a more reactive metal compared to Te (tellurium). Silver tends to readily react with various elements and compounds, while tellurium is relatively less reactive.

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Q: What element is a more reactive metal Te or Ag?
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Will Ag react with ZnCO3?

Ag (silver) is less reactive than Zn (zinc), so silver will not react with zinc carbonate (ZnCO3). In a chemical reaction, the more reactive element (zinc) will typically displace the less reactive element (silver) in a compound.

Is Ag more reactive than K?

Potassium (K) is more reactive than silver (Ag). Potassium is an alkali metal on the far left side of the periodic table, making it highly reactive with water and oxygen. Silver is a transition metal that is more stable and less reactive compared to alkali metals like potassium.

What is the chemical element Ag what is the current value?

Ag is the element Silver (a metal)

Using the periodic table choose the more reactive metal Ag or Te?

Silver (Ag) is more reactive than tellurium (Te) on the periodic table. Silver readily undergoes reactions with air and water, while tellurium is less reactive and exhibits properties more similar to a metalloid.

Is Ag a metal or nonmetal element?

'Ag' is silver( Argentum ; Latin) . I think ypou should know that silver is a metal.

Why does ag not reaplace zn form znso4 solution?

Ag does not replace Zn in a ZnSO4 solution because Ag is lower in the reactivity series compared to Zn. In a single replacement reaction, a more reactive metal will replace a less reactive metal in a compound. Since Ag is less reactive than Zn, it cannot displace Zn in the solution.

What element is more active Sr or Ag?

Sr (strontium) is considerably more reactive than Ag (silver). In fact, Strontium is so reactive that it must be stored in mineral oil to prevent its reaction with the oxygen in the air. Strontium also reacts with water.

What is element ag?

The element Ag is silver. It is a lustrous transition metal with atomic number 47 and symbol Ag. Silver is known for its conductivity, malleability, and use in jewelry, currency, and photography.

What group does the element Ag go in?

Group XI (transition metal)

What is the atomic number of ag?

Silver is a metal element. Atomic number of it is 47.

What element belongs to the fifth period and the eleventh group?

The element in the fifth period and the eleventh group is sodium (Na).

Is ag a molecules?

Ag is the chemical symbol for silver, which is an element on the periodic table. While silver does not exist as a molecule in its pure elemental form, it can form molecules when it combines with other elements.