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Q: What element is formed when hydrogen nuclei fuse together?
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What nuclei bond together during the solar nuclear reaction?

Hydrogen nuclei, which are protons

What element do you get if you fuse two helium nuclei together?

Nuclear fusion occurs when two nuclei fuse together. This is frequently nuclei of deuterium and tritium (both hydrogen isotopes), which form a helium nucleus plus a neutron.

What is the distance nuclei in a hydrogen molecule?

Two atoms bonded together

What is the simplest form of fusion that occurs in stars?

Hydrogen nuclei (protons) fuse together and produce helium nuclei

Which element in the universe was made after the big bang before any stars where made?

Scientists reckon that Hydrogen nuclei were the first to form (being the most simple element), around a few milliseconds after the `big bang`. Between 3 and 20 minutes they reckon that helium nuclei were the next to be formed. They then say that these nuclei were not able to capture electrons until around 379,000 years later.

During the solar nuclear reaction what four nuclei bond together?


What is the distance between nuclei in a hydrogen molecule.?

Two atoms bonded together

What is the process of joining two nuclei together to form a new element called?

Joining two nuclei to produce an atom of a different element is called fusion.

When will atomic weight and mass number of an element be same?

Only when the nuclei of the element contain no neutrons. This occurs naturally only for hydrogen-1.

What is the definition of energy efficiency?

hydrogen nuclei join together to make a larger helium.

What element was created by the first H bomb test?

Element number 99, later named Einsteinium, was discovered in the debris from the first hydrogen bomb explosion in 1952. Only a tiny number of atoms were detected, formed from the decay of neutron-bombarded californium nuclei.