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Hydrogen is the main component in most stars, making up about 75% of their mass. This hydrogen undergoes nuclear fusion in the star's core to form helium and release energy in the form of light and heat.

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Q: What element is the main component in most stars?
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What element is the main component of most stars?

Hydrogen is the main component of most stars, making up about 75% of their mass. This is because hydrogen fusion is the primary nuclear reaction that powers the star's energy output, converting hydrogen into helium in their cores.

Does hydrogen make stars?

Hydrogen is certainly the main component of most stars.

What element is the key component of stars?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in stars and serves as the key component in their nuclear fusion process, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing energy in the form of light and heat.

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What element is the most abundant in the universe and all stars are made of it?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and makes up the majority of all stars.

What type of stars are most stars?

main sequence stars

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Hydrogen is the most common element in the Sun, in most stars, as well as in the Universe in general.Hydrogen is the most common element in the Sun, in most stars, as well as in the Universe in general.Hydrogen is the most common element in the Sun, in most stars, as well as in the Universe in general.Hydrogen is the most common element in the Sun, in most stars, as well as in the Universe in general.

Which element is most often found in charcoal and pencil points?

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Are most stars giants?

No, most stars are not giants. The group with more stars is Main Sequence Stars.

What are some of the elements found in stars?

All of them - but mostly hydrogen & helium.

Are most stars main sequence stars?


What is the second most common element in stars?

The second most common element in stars is helium. Helium is produced during the nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium as stars go through their life cycle.