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Q: What element is used in hot air balloons?
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What is the element used to blow up balloons?

Gases used are: air (and hot air), helium.

Which gas do you use for hot air balloons?

Hot air is used for hot air balloons.

What element is used in balloons to keep them in the air?

Helium (Hydrogen could also be used but this is flamable). Not some balloons are also kept aloft using hot air.

What element is used inside balloons so it will float?

Helium is the gas usually used now. Hydrogen works, but is inflammable and so dangerous. There are also hot air balloons which require a heater to create the hot air and keep it hot.

What are hot air balloons used for now a days?

Hot air balloons are now mostly used for leisure

What element is used more in making balloons?

Helium is a gas used to inflate lighter than air balloons.

Why is hydrogen used to inflate hot air balloons?

Hydrogen is not used to inflate hot air balloons. Just regular air is used which is then heated to make the balloon more buoyant as hot air weighs less than cold air. Hence the name hot air balloons.

Why were hot air balloons important to the civil war?

Hot air balloons were used for reconnaissance during the civil war.

Which gas is used in hot air balloons?

Just regular air, which is heated. That's why they are called hot air balloons! The fuel gas used for heating the air is usually propane.

How were hot air balloons used by the military?

The first use of hot air balloons was in the American Civil War for surveillance of troop movements.

How do hot air balloons use air to fly?

Hot air balloons use the fact that hot air rises as a way to make balloons fly. When the air inside the balloon is heated, it rises, and this creates lift which is used to make the balloon fly.

How were hot air balloons used during World War 1?

Hot air balloons were used to spy on the enemy. They were also used to communicate, send supplies, and drop bombs.