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Mercury, Gallium, Caesium, Bromine and maybe Francium

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Q: What elements are liquids between 22 and 30 degrees celsius?
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Which elements will be liquids at -156 degrees Celsius?

Elements that will be liquids at -156 degrees Celsius include mercury (Hg), which has a melting point of -38.83 degrees Celsius, and gallium (Ga), which has a melting point of 29.76 degrees Celsius.

What elements are liquids at 30 degrees Celsius?

There are six elements that are liquid at 30 degrees Celsius. They are mercury, gallium, cesium, francium, rubidium and bromine.

What elements are liquids at 55 degrees Celsius?

One if the most famous liquids at that temperature is mercury or quick silver as it was known previously.

Is the boiling point of all liquids 100 degrees Celsius?

No, not all liquids boil at 100 degrees Celsius. Water boils at 100 degrees C.

What is the the freezing point for liquids?

The freezing point of a liquid is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a solid. The freezing point is specific to each substance and is determined by its chemical composition.

Which two elements are liquids at 25 degress celsius?

Two elements that are liquids at 25 degrees Celsius are mercury (Hg) and bromine (Br). Mercury is a silvery metal that remains in liquid form at room temperature, while bromine is a reddish-brown liquid with a strong odor.

How can liquids change into solids?

Liquids change into solids through a process called solidification or freezing. When liquids are cooled below their freezing point, the particles within the liquid slow down and the attractive forces between them cause them to arrange into a more ordered structure, forming a solid.

Which element is the only liquids on the periodic table at 20 degrees Celsius?

Mercury is the only element that is a liquid at 20 degrees Celsius.

What is the boiling point of liquids?

212 Degrees Fahrenheit,100 Degrees Celsius

What does liquid freeze at?

Different liquids have different freezing points. For water, it's 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 0 degrees Celsius.

In order for a liquid to become a gas does it have to reach 100 degrees celsius?

It has to reach its boiling point. That's 100 degrees Celsius for water (under normal conditions), but different temperatures for different liquids.

What state would the elements be in at 800 Celsius?

It depends which elements you are talking about. Some would exist as solids at this temperature while others would be gases or liquids.