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Q: What enemy confronted them on their return from the wreck and did Fritz dispose of him?
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Where is Mr Kennedy?

Mr Kennedy has been working on a new movie: Behind Enemy lines: Columbia He will return back to the WWE in early 2009

Why does your Pokemon randomly return in midbattle in Pokemon White?

Most likely an enemy used a pokemon switching move. That or your game is glitching. Does it switch it with another pokemon? Does the enemy use a move like whirlwind or gust? If you answer these questions on my message board I can help more.

When was Enemy Ace created?

Enemy Ace was created in 1965.

What is the whole quote from Pogo including We met the enemy...?

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

Who is lex Luthers enemy?

Lex Luthers enemy is Superman. He's out to destroy him

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What enemy confronted them on their return from the wreck and how did fritz dispose of him Swiss family Robinson?

The enemy that confronted them on their return from the wreck was a tiger. Fritz disposed of the tiger by shooting it with his gun.

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Haiti is not in a war because their enemy if they have will think it will be too easy to dispose them so they might be waiting for the right time to target

Why was Julius Caesar declared an enemy of the State by the Roman Senate?

Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.

Is Return To Castle Wolfenstein Enemy Territory A Multiplayer Game?

Yes. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (W:ET or simply ET) is a free multiplayer game that was released May 2003. It does not need Return To Castle Wolfenstein to be played.

Why did Germany want Lenin to return to Russia in?

Germany saw a chance to weaken their enemy.

How do you get the return to sender emblem in mw2?

you have to kill a enemy by killing them by thier own claymore

Why did the US support the return of the French at the end of World War 2?

The US simply defeated an enemy, and tried to allow the world to return to the way it was before the war.

When a convoy is halted in the kill zone due to a blocked roadway people should dismounth the vehicle take care and?

Return fire on the enemy position

Where is Mr Kennedy?

Mr Kennedy has been working on a new movie: Behind Enemy lines: Columbia He will return back to the WWE in early 2009

Why does your Pokemon randomly return in midbattle in Pokemon White?

Most likely an enemy used a pokemon switching move. That or your game is glitching. Does it switch it with another pokemon? Does the enemy use a move like whirlwind or gust? If you answer these questions on my message board I can help more.

Who is the enemy of my enemy?

The famous saying is "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."