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When fuels are burned, potential chemical energy stored in the fuel is converted into thermal energy (heat) and some of it is converted into mechanical energy (work), if used in engines or turbines.

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Q: What energy conversion takes place when fuels are burned?
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What must occur for the potential energy of fossiL fuel to change into other forms of energy?

For the potential energy of fossil fuels to change into other forms of energy, combustion must take place. In this process, heat energy is released, which can be transformed into other forms of energy like electrical energy in power plants or mechanical energy in engines.

What energy conversion take place in a handwarmer?

In a handwarmer, the energy conversion takes place from chemical energy to thermal energy. This occurs when the chemicals in the handwarmer react and produce heat, which then warms up the surrounding environment.

When a flashlight is turned on when does energy conversion take place?

Energy conversion takes place in a flashlight when the electrical energy from the battery is converted into light energy and heat energy through the process of powering the light bulb or LED. This conversion occurs instantly when the circuit is completed and the flashlight is turned on.

What energy transformation takes place?

The energy transformation that takes place is the conversion of one form of energy to another, such as kinetic energy to thermal energy, electrical energy to light energy, or chemical energy to mechanical energy. This conversion is governed by the laws of thermodynamics and is essential for all processes and activities in the universe.

How is the energy stored in fossil fuels released?

When fossil fuels are burned, the chemical energy stored in them is converted into heat energy through a chemical reaction with oxygen. This heat energy is then typically used to generate electricity or provide heat for industrial processes or transportation.

Related questions

What type of conversion is taking place when natural gas is burned to heat water?

The conversion taking place is from chemical energy in natural gas to thermal energy during combustion. This thermal energy then heats the water contained in a boiler or water heater.

What is form of the energy conversion that take place to combustion engine?

Heat energy is released in a heat engine when fuel is burned. The heat energy is then changed into mechanical energy.

What do fuels give off?

Fuels give off energy when burned, typically in the form of heat and light. This energy is released by chemical reactions that take place when the fuel combines with oxygen in a process known as combustion.

When you turn on your cellphone charger what energy conversion take place?

Answer : Conversion Energy.

Does fossil fuels such as coal store chemical kinetic energy?

Fossil fuels like coal store potential energy in the form of chemical bonds. When they are burned, this potential energy is converted into heat energy (thermal energy) and released as a result of chemical reactions taking place. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, and while there may be kinetic energy involved in the burning process (e.g., moving particles in the flame), the primary form of energy stored in fossil fuels is potential energy.

Where does burning fossil fuels take place?

Burning fossil fuels takes place primarily in power plants, vehicles, and industrial facilities. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are burned to produce energy for electricity generation, transportation, heating, and manufacturing processes, releasing carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere.

What type of conversion is taking place when natural gas is used to heat water?

Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy.The conversion that is taking place is chemical energy into thermal energy. The type of conversion is taking place when natural gas is used to heat water is chemical energy that is turned into thermal energy.

What type of energy conversion takes place in an electrolytic cell?

electrical energy into chemical energy

If coal energy where to run out what would you use in its place?

fossil fuels

What energy conversion take place in a handwarmer?

In a handwarmer, the energy conversion takes place from chemical energy to thermal energy. This occurs when the chemicals in the handwarmer react and produce heat, which then warms up the surrounding environment.

What must occur for the potential energy of fossiL fuel to change into other forms of energy?

For the potential energy of fossil fuels to change into other forms of energy, combustion must take place. In this process, heat energy is released, which can be transformed into other forms of energy like electrical energy in power plants or mechanical energy in engines.

Why energy conversion takes place in magnetic field?
