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Potential energy than heat, sound and, of course, there is a loss in potential energy of broken materials...

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Q: What energy is kinetic energy changed to in a car crash?
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Why that the car is an ex of kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is "moving energy". A car moves, it has kinetic energy. In the case of a car crash the energy is released-->smash/bang!!!

What forces act during car crash test?

Momentum, kinetic energy

When the potential energy of gasoline is converted to the kinetic energy of the moving car what has occured?

Energy transfer occurs when potential energy is changed to kinetic energy.

When the potential energy of gasoline is converted to the kinetic energy of a moving car what has occured.?

Energy transfer occurs when potential energy is changed to kinetic energy.

Explain what forces act on a car crash dummy?

Kinetic energy and gravity both act on a crash test dummy kinetic energy moves it forward whilst gravity pulls it back onto the ground

Is a real car a kinetic energy?

No. A real car IS not kinetic energy, but it HAS kinetic energy.No. A real car IS not kinetic energy, but it HAS kinetic energy.No. A real car IS not kinetic energy, but it HAS kinetic energy.No. A real car IS not kinetic energy, but it HAS kinetic energy.

How was energy conserved during mouse trap car races?

the elastic potential energy of the spring on the mouse trap is changed to kinetic energy, causing the car to move. The kinetic energy in turn changes to thermal energy as friction causes the car to come to a halt

Is a car a kinetic or potential energy?

Energy due to motion is kinetic energy, so the energy of the car due to it's motion is kinetic.

What will a car's kinetic energy be if the car's speed triples?

The Kinetic Energy Stays The Same

What has more kinetic energy a bike or a car?

A car, kinetic energy is derived from mass and velocity, which a car has higher of both.

Why does a high speed crash cause more damage tha a low speed crash?

At high speeds, there is more kinetic energy involved - more energy that will be converted to other forms of energy. This includes breaking a car, or body parts of people involved.

Is a race-car traveling at its maximum speed potential or kinetic energy?

A car is not energy; it may have energy. The energy related to movement is called kinetic energy.