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Q: What energy is used when boiling a kettle?
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What is boiling water out of a kettle used for?

Boiling water out of a kettle can be used for boiling noodles for soup or spaghetti.

Why is sound energy wasted when a kettle is heated?

when th kettle is heating up it making a boiling sound throught the process. This is sounded energy that is not being used hence wasted sound energy

What form of energy does the kettle have when water in it is boiling?

it is where you say chocolate is equal to me (human) T.H ROCKS

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When water in a kettle is boil it transform energy into what?

Boiling Water OBV!

Cracking is to breaking as kettle is to what?

Boiling. Just as cracking is a type of breaking, kettle is a type of device used for boiling water or other liquid.

What is kettle used for?

A kettle is used for boiling water usually used for making a cup of coffee or tea.

Is a kettle boiling a chemical reaction?

When a kettle is boiling you are able to see the chemical reaction, from the stem leaving the kettle.

What is the wasted energy for a kettle?

By the fact that the kettle is hot. The heat energy is also warming the metal of the kettle. By the fact that the water boils to steam,; loss of water to steam. The energy should only heat the water to boiling point, and not heat the kettle nor allow the water to boil off.

What kind of energy is water boiling in a kettle?

To clarify, water - or any other subject IS not energy; rather, it HAS energy. In this case, the relevant energy is the thermal energy.

How much energy is used to boil a kettle once?

The amount of electricity it would take to boil a kettle would be phenomenal, regardless of whether the kettle is made from metal or plastic. I suggest instead you try boiling the water inside the kettle first.

Is a boiling kettle useful or wasted energy?

Wasted, unless you specifically want to produce a lot of steam.