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petroleum and peat and coal

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13y ago
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Kasey Wavy

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3y ago
It’s coal 
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10y ago

When plants decompose, the energy source made is usually referred as biogas.

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9y ago

One source of energy for decomposers is the waste of living things. Another source is feeding on dead organisms.

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Twitter PrcWrld

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3y ago


Hope this Helps! :)


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Q: What energy source is made from plants that have decomposed and been compressed?
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How can you show that plants are the ultimate source of energy?

Plants are the ultimate source of energy because they undergo photosynthesis, converting sunlight into chemical energy in the form of glucose. All organisms, directly or indirectly, rely on plants for energy through the food chain. Without plants, energy transfer within ecosystems would not be possible.

What is the source of energy plants need to make food?

The source of energy for plants is sunlight.

Is compressed water a source of energy?

Yes...natural gas

What is main source of energy for plants?

The main source for plants is the light

What is the source of energy is a green plant?

The source of energy of plants is sunlight.

Where is the energy source of fossil fuels found?

It comes from sunlight originally, since plants formed the original organic molecules. When dead plants and animals were buried, compressed, and heated, their products (coal, oil, gas) retained the chemical energy stored in their molecules millions of years earlier.

Wheredo plants get their energy?

plants get their energy from the sun (that's the main source).

Why is photosynthesis important to earth?

because plants need it for energy and we eat plants. plants are basic energy source we need the energy when it's transferred from one source to another

How sun is ultimate source of energy source for coal?

We are pretty sure that coal formed from layers of plant matter accumulating at the bottom of a body of water, then being deeply buried under sediment and rock and eventually compressed and transformed by the heat and pressure into coal. The plants that eventually became coal derived their energy from the sun while they were living - just as plants do now - so the sun is the original source of the energy you get from coal.

What is the energy source in a plant?

Plants get their energy from the sunlight.

The energy source of a dandelion?

Plants get their energy from the Sun.

Where did the energy come from to create oil?

If we assume that petroleum was created from decaying plants, the ultimate energy source is the Sun's energy.If we assume that petroleum was created from decaying plants, the ultimate energy source is the Sun's energy.If we assume that petroleum was created from decaying plants, the ultimate energy source is the Sun's energy.If we assume that petroleum was created from decaying plants, the ultimate energy source is the Sun's energy.