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A microphone converts sound energy into electrical energy. When sound waves hit the microphone's diaphragm, it vibrates and converts these mechanical vibrations into electrical signals, which are then amplified and transmitted to a recording device or speaker.

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Q: What energy transformations are microphone?
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What Energy Transformations are in a Microphone?

Sound energy (vibrations in air pressure) are converted to electrical signals

What is the starting and finishing energy of a microphone?

A microphone converts sound energy (acoustic energy) into electrical energy. The starting energy is the acoustic energy from the sound waves that enter the microphone and the finishing energy is the electrical signal output by the microphone.

Most energy transformations produce what form of energy?

In most energy transformations, part of the energy is wasted. Much of the wasted energy is usually converted to heat.

Why is by product of energy transformations?

The byproduct of energy transformations is heat, which is released into the environment. This is due to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that some energy will always be converted into an unusable form (in this case, heat) during energy transformations.

What are the energy transformations of a car?

from electrical energy to mechanical energy

What energy transformations are in a kettle?

Electrical energy to kinetic energy

What type of energy is a part of energy transformations?

Kinetic and potential energy are common types of energy involved in energy transformations. Kinetic energy is associated with the motion of objects, while potential energy is associated with the position or state of an object. These energies can be converted from one form to another during energy transformations.

What are the energy transformations when a gun is fired?

There are a few energy transformations when a gun is fired. Some of these include potential to kinetic energy, chemical to mechanical energy, and chemical to electromagnetic energy.

What during energy transformations energy is never what?

During energy transformations, energy is never created or destroyed, but it can change from one form to another (e.g., thermal to mechanical).

What form of energy does a singer shouting into a microphone have?

The singer is using mechanical energy to create sound waves when shouting into a microphone. The microphone then converts this sound energy into electrical energy which can be transmitted and amplified.

Name a divice that converts sound energy into electrical energy?

A microphone is a device that converts sound energy into electrical energy.

What energy transformations are in a computer?

electrical energy to thermal(heat) energy