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There were several events that led to the French Revolution. The biggest cause was the poor and horrible living conditions of the people of France while the King and his wife lived a very lavish lifestyle.

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Khun chan Panhasak

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14y ago

There were two. The first was the storming of the Bastille on July 14th 1789. The second was the Tennis Court Oath.

When Louis XVI had to convoke the Estates General, the third estate (the bourgeoisie) ordered to double their numbers in the Estates General, because the majority of France existed of Bourgeoisie. The others 2 estates (the nobility and the clergy) did not agree with this, but the King gave in to the third estate. When the Estates General met, they had on one occasion locked out the third estates members. They went to a nearby tennis court at Versailles and swore they would not dissemble until a constitution for France would be drawn up and accepted. Both occasions were significant for the beginning of the French Revolution.

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12y ago

well many things helped trigger it for example the unfair tax system where the poor paid the most taxes and the rich paid little to none and of course they were influenced by the American revolution by seeing the Americans overthrow the british rule so they thought if the Americans can get rid of king george the third then the can overthrow king Louis the sixteenth.

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16y ago

The Meeting of the Estates-General Establishment of the National Assembly Tennis Court Oath Storming of the Bastille

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10y ago

the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789.

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11y ago

the storming of the bastille

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Q: What event was considered to be the spark of the french revolution?
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