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Earth quakes, weather erosion and tectonic plate movement.

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Q: What events cause gradual changes of the Earth's surface?
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Which events always take millions of years to change the surface of the earth?

changes to the earth's crust are gradual, so nobody really knows

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What events always take millions of years to change the surface of the earth?

volcanoes take millions of years to occur. it changes earth's surface.

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Wind can result from a number of atmospheric events. The man cause of wind if the uneven heating and cooling of the earths surface due to the atmosphere, sun, and ocean.

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The study of the earth's interior is important for man to understand his environment. It also helps to predict events that may occur on the earth's surface.

How can sudden events effect earth?

at a short timIt affect earth because it changes earth surface. Large floods can even cause alots of erosions e.

How can catastrophic events alter earths systems?

By destroying then building again

What are three events that change the earths crust slowly?

Erosian, weathering.

What causes catastrophic events to occur?

The climate of the earth and the earths atmosphere

How can a landslide be gradual?

Not all landslides are catastrophic events, in some the sliding can occur slowly over months or years.

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What changes faster the surface of the moon or earth?

I would have to go with the Earth, due to animal, human, and natural events, changeing the surface, ~ animals grazing, humans building, nature -typoons ect, whereas, the moons surface does not change untill, an asteroid, or meteorite, would disturb it. and/or humans return to the moon.