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Q: What events of succession?
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Is succession always caused by natural events?


What events can cause succession?

things like forest fires, floods, or other disasters can cause secondary succession.

What events would start primary succession?

The death of a monarch

What is a succesion?

The coming of one person or thing after another in order, sequence, or in the course of events: many troubles in succession.

Is primary succession?

Lichens and mosses, small herbs and shrubs, pine and spruce, fir and birch. Primary succession refers to the ecological and biological process whereby all life is wiped out because of the events like glaciations.

What does it mean when Aesop says in succession?

When Aesop refers to something happening "in succession," he means that events or actions are occurring one after another, in a continuous sequence. This phrase implies a chain of occurrences happening in a specific order without interruption.

Describe the process of succession in an ecosystem?

By:nevaeh Ecosystems are constantly changing in response to natural and human disturbances; Primary succession, occurs on the surfaces formed as volcanic eruptions build new islands or cover the land with lava rock or volcanic ash. In secondary succession; components often ecosystems can change by natural events such as fires, or by human activities such as farming

What does in succession mean?

In succession

What type of succession occurs in an area where an ecosystem has been disturbed?

primary succession

What is the Difference between administrated succession and regular succession?

what's d diference btw administered succession and regular succession?

What is the difference between succession and slow succession?

Slow succession happens slow and Succession happens very fast. Simple!

Name the four stages of primary succession?

primary succession, ecological succession, substrate, and secondary succession