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Q: What everyday object is like the nucleolus analogy?
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What is an analogy for nucleolus?

The nucleolus is like a cookbook because cookbooks show you how to make food like the nucleolus shows how to make proteins.

But what everday object is a nucleolus like?

The nucleolus is like a copy machine.

What object acts like a nucleolus?


What object functions like a nucleolus?

A brain

How does a nucleus and nucleolus compare to something in your everyday life?

a nucleus is like a brain because it controls your body

Why is the mayor like the nucleolus?

a mayor functions like a nucleolus would...

What everyday object is like a lysosome?

It acts like a recycling system in a city.

What particular object has been test for finding the a matter substances like nucleolus?

As this is a complex issue, the best answers can be found online at Wikipedia under the terms of Nucleolus. Matter is a nebulous term that can have many different meanings, and it is not clear from the question what is intended.

What is functional analogy?

As you probably know, an analogy is a thing that helps someone to understand a concept. For instance an example of an analogy is: "The Nucleus of a cell is like a Brain, because the nucleus of a cell controls what goes on in it." The analogy for Cell Nucleus is Brain in this case. A FUNCTIONAL analogy is an analogy of an object or thing that doesn't necessarily look, smell, feel, taste, or sound like your to-be-analogized thing, but it has a similar purpose. An example of this is: "The cell membrane of an animal cell is like a bunch of security guards because they both control what goes in/out." I hope I was helpful.

What is the structure inside the nucleus called?

its called the nucleolus which are filled with coils like spings of DNA

What body part can be compared to the nucleolus?

The nucleus is often referred to as the 'brain' of the cell, however this analogy is highly inaccurate and should not be used after an introductory biology course. A more accurate analogy can be the hard drive of a computer.

It is like a nucleus within a nucleus?

The Nucleolus?