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Charles Darwin visited Galapagos Island during his famous voyage around the world. He did research on finches and the Galapagos Giant Tortoises during his stay there. He found that these animals have developed themselves according to their habitat.

The tortoises living in the surroundings where food was available at low height had round carapace while those who lived in the surroundings where food available at high height had saddle back carapace.

Similar with the finches, It was sound that there was difference in the same species of animals at all the seven islands at Galapagos. This observations made by Charles Darwin lead him to came up with the Theory of evolution.

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Q: What evidence of evolution did darwin present to the world?
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What Charles Darwin is known for?

Charles Darwin is known for his studies aboard the HMS Beagle. He went all around the world to study different species and formed the theory of evolution.

What date was it when Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution?

The two papers of Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace dealing with this subject were read to the Linnean Society on July 1, 1858. This was the first and most complete theory of evolution by natural selection that the world heard of, though there were minor differences between Darwin's and Wallace's theory. ( there were others who had parts of the theory correctly elucidated, but they were not complete in their presentations, or they only had passing acquaintance with this subject ) On November 22, 1859 Darwin published ' On The Origin Of Species By Means Of Natural Selection, Or The Preservation Of Favored Races In The Struggle For Life '

What animals did Darwin did discover?

tortiose and finch.(Galapagos Islands

What evolution theory did george cuvier have?

Cuvier was a proponent of catastrophism. Not so much a theory of evolution as an " explanation " of where all the fossil evidence that was being found then came from. Curvier posited that a series of catastrophes to the whole earth happened and every time they happened god repopulated the world with newer type organisms. Totally baseless and refuted by the evidence.

Who coined the phrase survival of the fittest?

Not Charles Darwin, but infact a man called Herbert Spencer. Darwin himself merely highlighted Spencer's coinage "Survival of the Fittest" in his edition of the "Evolution of Species", giving specific reference to him, however, it has become a misconception that Darwin himself coined the phrase. However, he did indeed devise the evolutionary theory, and go on his travels around the world looking for fossil records.

Related questions

What makes Darwin's theory of evolution believable?

It is based on evidence found in the world.

How did Darwin gather a great deal of evidence for evolution at work?

Charles Darwin collected data for 5 years, while he traveled around the world.

How did Charles Darwin have in impact on the world?

Charles Darwin was the British scientist who created the theory of evolution.

Darwin reasoned that if the world is very old then?

There was time for evolution to occur

What did Darwin mean when he reasoned that the world is very old?

there was time for evolution to occur.

What did Darwin do to make him so famous?

He developed a theory of evolution by natural selection; before Darwin, evolution was known about but no-one understood how it happened. Darwin's theory explained the mechanism for evolution and he also provided a large amount of evidence and argument to back it up in two books (Origin of the Species and The Descent of Man). Less well known about Darwin; he was a world authority on whelks, and studied worms for many years. He also proposed a, widely accepted, theory about how coral islands turtles se se in bio ha

Is evolution simply a lie to disprove God?

Not at all. Specific evidence collected by many different people in many different fields of science, over the course of more than a century, has been studied in many different ways. The evidence itself indicates a process of gradual change that can be summed up with the term "evolution." Many deeply religious people and entire Christian denominations find no contradiction between their understanding of evolution and their faith in God.AnswerNo. Bill Maher's programme Religulous points out how science post-dates any form of creationism (god-guided origin of life). The advent of science is simply an evolution of human thought, from religious evidenceless faith to the objective seeking of evidence and the examination of the real world to seek answers. The Theory of Evolution (a biological theory explaining the diversification and change of life's forms via Natural Selection) was formally initiated with much evidence by Charles Darwin. Darwin initially felt very uncomfortable about the appearance Evolution gave of a possibly creatorless biotic world. Darwin had been keen in earlier life (before his voyage on HMS Beagle and his finding of evidence for evolutionary change to life) to become one of the church and had a theological degree. Many people at Darwin's time felt uncomfortable about Evolution and perhaps some still do. But the nature of life and the enormous evidence for Evolution drove Darwin to the conclusion of change over time and Natural Selection. It is the evidence today that drives all scientists and Evolution-accepting laymen and general public to accept Evolution as true. In short, Evolution, due to its evidence, is not a dishonesty in science and not a malicious fabrication to express an absence of a creator or a god. Many, no doubt, have lost a god-imagining faith due to the evidence for Evolution. To many, it has always been obvious that reality be godless (perhaps often regardless of the existence of Darwin's theory). But Evolution was not hypothesised or formulated into a theory as a refutation of God at all. It was formulated as an explanation of the diversity of life and how life has diversified and what mechanism occurs in the diversification and radiation of life.

Where Charles Darwin started thinking about evolution?

Charles Darwin was at home when he started thinking about evolution. He had come from an expedition around the world which had provoked his thinking on the origin of man.

What Charles Darwin is known for?

Charles Darwin is known for his studies aboard the HMS Beagle. He went all around the world to study different species and formed the theory of evolution.

Who Described evolution by natural selection?

Charles Darwin is credited with this theory in his book, The Origin Of Species. ---> Actually... Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de la Marck (AKA Lamarck) was the first to propose the hypothesis that species change over time.

Resulted from Darwin's theories?

Darwin's theory of evolution resulted to one's great understanding of human history. His theories drastically changed people's perception of the world and of human race began.

How would you convince a person who evolution is factual?

Many good books have been written on the subject, which I would recommend to someone who wished to become better informed; Charles Darwin's original book, "The Origin Of Species" remains an excellent introduction to the subject, and there are several excellent books about evolution by Stephen J. Gould and by Richard Dawkins. There is a stupendously large body of evidence that supports the theory of evolution but I would not personally wish to present it in the form of a conversation, it is much better to read books on the subject. If I were to present just one item, it would be the appearance of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which is an illustration of evolution at work. Species continue to evolve, even in the modern world.